Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before signing up for a tour. Once you sign up for a tour, you will receive Email confirmation with a form to fill out and sign, which will also be your acceptance of these terms & conditions under which we operate our tours.

§1. Contract Partners and Application

  1. Contract partners in regards to these Terms & Conditions are Bambeerg Tours, represented by Patrick Murphy; 96135 Stegaurach – Germany (from here on refered to as „operator“) and the participant of the tour.
  2. All services/products rendered/sold by the operator to the participant/customer, fall only under these terms and conditions as they were at the time of the booking of the tour and it’s confirmation. Any variation of such, must be done in writing between the operator and participant/customer. When booking a tour for another individual or more, it is the responsibility of the booking participant, to inform all other participants of these terms and conditions.
  3. ALL participants must be at least 18 years old at the start of the tour!

§2. Liability

Bambeerg Tours and it’s business partners, contracted companies and service partners in offering these tours, services and products shall NOT be held responsible by the participant/customer for any loss, harm or damages suffered on the way to, during and the way from after these tours. The operator is not responsible for cancellations, changes, products, services, actions by other participants, partners, service providers or governments or the results thereof.

The operator can be held responsible for harm or loss, due to extreme negligence on his part, in accordance with German law.

Due to the nature of these tours, Bambeerg Tours would like to severly express that, although we will take every precaution possible to ensure your safety, we are NOT RESPONSIBLE for any action, accidents, mishaps or misfortune that should befall the participant sober OR inebriated!

§3. Payments & Cancellations

Payments are generally made in Euros, using credit card, Paypal or a money transfer from a bank account. Exceptions can be made, just contact me over the „Bambeerg“ internet pages or email. To book a tour, you can either pay a deposit of 25% or pay the full price right away. If you choose the deposit, you will be invoiced for the rest amount due 6 weeks prior to the tour. If you register for a tour within 6 weeks of the start date, the full amount will be due immediately. Short notice tours and payments are possible, but contact me first for availability and terms of payment!

Cancellations aren’t a problem. I’m very flexible and understanding on that matter, especially with the current world situation and the Corona experience.

If the tour is cancelled by the participant, you can transfer the already paid amount to another tour, or receive a refund minus any expenses that Bambeerg Tours has already paid to secure accomodation or services for the tour, plus a processing fee of 25 Euros for multiple day tours and 10 Euros for single day tours. The already customer friendly cancellation policies of most hotel and service providers I work with have gotten even more flexible since the Corona crisis, so these costs would be very low if any were to arise at all.

If for some reason, the tour is cancelled by Bambeerg Tours or is not possible to take place due to travel restrictions, a natural catastrophe or political reasons, the participant will receive a full refund for the amount he/she has already paid or be able to transfer the amount to another tour. Bambeerg Tours will NOT be held liable or responsible for any other costs, loss or damage due to cancellation (for example plane tickets or other travel costs). We recommend getting a seperate travel insurance for that.

Tours will NOT be cancelled due to a lack of participants!

§4 Changes in Intinerary and Shedule

The operator of these tours has the right to change the shedule/itinerary of the tours as deemed necessary. These changes may be due to weather, changes made by hotels, breweries, restaurants or other tour partners. Some changes may occur to take advantage of special events or beer tappings. The quality of the tour will not be negatively influenced by these changes.

§5 Behavior

Rude, aggressive, offensive or other inappropriate behavior towards other participants, personnel, other guests or bystanders will not be tolerated. The operator of these tours reserves the right to remove individuals from the tour for the rest of the day or the whole tour, without refund.

Due to the nature of these tours, we will obviously be drinking alcohol. We will pace ourselves though, drink enough water, eat well and get enough fresh air to counter the effects. Should a participant become so inebriated, that he poses a danger to himself, other participants or bystanders, the operator reserves the right to remove that participant from the tour the rest of that day. Whatever services are missed, due to being removed for this reason, will not be refunded.

§6 Meals and Drinks

These are NOT „All You Can Drink“ tours. These tours are designed to give the participant an understanding of local Bamberg and Franconian culture and history, while also learning about the beer styles themselves and how they fit in to local history and the worlwide beer scene in general.

A certain number of beer and drinks are included while having an official tour meal, during brewery tours and visits or brew pub/beer garden visits. The amount will depend on the tour being taken. The number of beers and drinks included will be more than sufficient though. You are welcome to drink more at any location than included in the tour price or to stay out exploring after the end of the tour for that day. These costs are also not included in the tour price.

Certain meals are included in the tour price. Which meals and how many depend on the tour being taken. The included meals are considered „official tour meals“.
On multiple-day tours, there will also be some free time during brewery visits and other activities, to explore on your own. Food and drinks during that „free time“ are not included in the tour price.

§7 Services

Check the details on each tour to find out what is included and what isn’t. Plane tickets and transportation to and from the airport, train/bus station to the hotel are not included. The price of the tour includes hotel (except for single day tour options, unless otherwise stated), all official tour activities, brewery tours, admission fees etc., all transportation costs DURING the tour, a certain number of meals and drinks.

If a participant chooses not to take part in a tour activity or meal, these costs will not be refunded. Additional activities or meals may be added by the operator if the situation allows, at no added cost for the participant.

All tours will be guided by myself, Patrick Murphy, a local fluent in English and German. I am knowledgeable in local history and culture. I am also a certified Doemens Beer Sommelier, which will make it possible for me to explain the various beer styles and their history.

Starting point for all tours is the hotel in Bamberg. It is the responsibility of the participant to arrive there on time. I suggest getting there a day early and booking an extra night.

While transportation from the airport, train station or bus station to the hotel is not included in the tour price, I can help with the arrangements.

§8 Hotels

All participants of multiple day tours will stay at a hotel in the center of Bamberg. This will be the starting point on every day of tour. This will also make getting back to the hotel simple, if a participant decides do some further exploring after the official end of that day’s activities.

There are single and double room options. The single room option is a bit more expensive than the double room option. If you are traveling alone and wish to be partnered up with another single traveling participant, the operator will try to match both participants to a double room.

Any medical or personal condition, that may negatively affect the comfort of the other participant, need to be disclosed to the operator in advance.

I suggest finding at least one friend/family member to travel and participate in the tour with.


By signing up for a tour, the participant and anyone the participant has booked the tour for, accept all of these terms and conditions.